Edward Chenard

Chief Data Intelligence Officer, Cyberian Data

Title: Personalization, Beyond Recommenders


Recommenders have been a mainstay for many data science teams when it comes to personalization. Lots of companies have gotten great results with recommenders for a certain amount of time. But relying on math and data alone is now proving to be not enough to engage customers. Blending various teams with an organization to bring behavioral science and behavioral economics into the mix is starting to show far better results than the traditional data science team alone has been able to deliver. This means a new way of organization and how data is used and interpreted with organizations. Personalization is the most powerful method for customer engagement today. However, it requires a new cross-functional team to really achieve results. Those results can be as much as an increase of 400% improvements in customer engagement over previous methods. Learn why the new way of personalization is taking things far beyond recommenders.


Edward Chenard is the Chief Data Officer at Cyberian Data, a small consulting firm based in the Twin Cities. Edward has worked at several Fortune 500’s building the big data and data science practices. At Best Buy, Edward built the personalization platform which was processing more data than the rest of Best Buy combined. At Target he helped to build a customer identification platformed which helped to save tens of millions for the company and at CH Robinson, built a team that helped to propel the company into the AI age with real time tracking of shipments.

At Cyberian, Edward has been working on data science and personalization, combining many different disciplines in new ways to bring in results for clients that were previous difficult to achieve. He speaks on these topics around the world in places like Brazil and Siberia.

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